Thiers, the French capital of knife making

Thiers early twentieth

The city of Thiers finds its origin in the medieval age and can claim six centuries of cutlery tradition.

The legend says that the Crusaders bring back the secret of steel but the history of knife making can be dated back to the fifteenth century as tax registers mention thirty knife makers in the city that will turn to be 200 in the sixteenth century.

Thiers valley

Oddly enough, the city didn’t have real assets to become the capital of knife making, there is no iron ore for the blades or sandstone to make grinding wheels, but there is the Durolle, the torrent that will provide enough energy for the cutlery machines, and the obstinacy and hard work of people living on a rocky, steep and hard territory, working in the fields in summer and making blades in winter.

Thiers knife making

Long before Henry Ford, it is in the fifteenth Century that the division of labor started in Thiers  with people specialized in the various steps of knife making, to the final assembly. It was not anymore a single cutler that was making the entire knife.

Knife assembly
Sauzede workshop

The working conditions were really hard. The cutlers shaping the blades on the grinding wheels were called the “yellow bellies”, because, in the unique Thiers style, they were grinding the blades laying over the wheel, with a dog on their legs to keep them warm.

They were working down in the valley, next to the water that was used to provide the power.

Yellow bellies Thiers

On top of the cold and humidity, the noise of the machines is loud and, if the grinding wheel explodes, the cutler is projected to the ceiling, with a little chance of survival.

Blade grinding

That part of the valley is called “Hell” (L’enfer in French), one of the buildings was even called like that.

L'enfer Hell Thiers
L’enfer (Hell)

For the other specialties it is not more comfortable, the presses and hammering machines are dangerous and the temperature in the forge can reach 120F.

knife making workshop

But that specialization and efficiency made that knife makers and merchants in various French regions were ordering knives to Thiers.

Sauzede knife assembly

For instance, the cutlers from the village of Laguiole, in Aveyron, had to order knives in Thiers, as they were not able to keep up with the demand. Those knives were originally called “Laguiole style” before being definitively called Laguiole when all the production was finally done in Thiers.

Laguiole knife

The same story happened to different regions and cities, this is why most of the French knives have the name of a city or a region like Yssingeaux, Issoire, Alpin, Montpellier, Rouennais etc.


Thiers even produced some “Spanish” navajas.

When the city was, and is still today, making the knives of all the different French regions, it never had its own style of knife. It was corrected rather late, in 1994, when “Le Thiers” was created. It will be the object of a later article.

Le Thiers
Le Thiers

Today electricity definitely replaced all the water powered machines and Thiers and its surroundings is still making between 70% and 80% of the French bladed tools, earning its status of French knife making capital, with its museum and “Coutellia”, the annual international blade show.

Find some examples of fine French cutlery on

Thiers knives

Opinel history

Everything started at the beginning of the 19th century when Victor-Amédée Opinel decided to install a forge in the little town of Gevoudaz, Savoie, in the French Alps.

He is an edge-tool maker and makes nails, axes, plow blades and various types of blades thanks to the Arvan, the rapid stream running there and that provides the energy for the forge tools.

Joseph Opinel, Victor-Amédée’s grandson, continues in the family business with his father but he has the idea to make folding knives for the local farmers and workers.

Opinel prototype

The city of Thiers was already very famous for its knives at the time and Joseph decided to go there and learn about knife making.

Some 130 years ago, in 1890, and against his father’s will, Joseph Opinel creates his first folding knife, with a wooden handle that would “fit perfectly in hand” and a steel blade “efficient, precise and elegant”. The famous folding knife was born.

Vintage Opinel knife

One of the technical issue was the handle, cutting the handle in half all the way to the end would have make it weak, Joseph created a circular saw that was removing just enough material.

In 1896, 3 workers work in the factory and make 60 knives per day.

In 1897 Joseph creates the range of Opinel from No1 to No13. The No1 is used to clean the smoking pipe, the No13 is used to cut large pieces of meat, but the most famous, until today, are the No7 and No8

Opinel vintage product line

Each knife has a wood handle made of beechwood or cherrywood and a carbon steel blade in the yatagán style (a slight clip-point).

Opinel carbon blade

The crowned hand was stamped on the blades from the first models, as, since King Charles IX, every master knife maker had to put his mark as a guarantee of origin and quality. The three fingers representing the relics of Saint Jean-Baptiste that are part of the coat of arms of the city of Saint-Jean-De-Maurienne. The crown was a reference to the duchy of Savoy that was independent from France until 1860.

Opinel advertisement

In 1901, Joseph creates the first Opinel factory, nearby his first workshop and install the 1st machine to manufacture the handles. 15 cutlers are working at the factory.

Opinel Joseph
Joseph Opinel

In 1911, Opinel receives the gold medal at the Alpine International Show in Turin, The first international recognition for the pocketknife.

Opinel vintage seller

In 1915, Joseph moves the factory to a new facility in Cognin, next to Chambery and close to roads and railroads, the town of Gevoudaz didn’t even have a paved way.

Opinel vintage cutlery

Joseph relied on the train engineers to sell his products throughout France, taking advantage of the Railroads’ strong territorial coverage.

Vintage Opinel business

In 1939, the Opinel No1 and No11 are discontinued.

In 1955, Marcel, Joseph’s son, invents the ring lock, called virobloc, allowing to lock the blade open. This locking ring will be modified again a bit before 2000 to lock the blade closed.

Opinel virobloc

In 1973, the factory moves again, to Chambery

Opinel presentation

In 1985 is another recognition for the Opinel. It is nominated by the London Arts and Science Museum as one of the 100 best designs of the world, along with the Porsche 911 or the Rolex watch.

Opinel product line

In 1986 are introduced Stainless steel blades.

Opinel inox stainless

In 2006, the Opinel is nominated by Phaidon Design classic as part of the 999 most perfect designs.

Opinel parts
An Opinel is made of only 5 parts

The brand is still alive because it has always been heavily protected with patents on the name, the logo, the virobloc system… This protected it from the Chinese and Pakistani’s competition that hit the industry pretty hard, starting in the 80’s. The famous Laguiole, that was lacking those kind of protection, was heavily copied.

Opinel is now a common noun in the French dictionary, Pablo Picasso used it to sculpt, the explorer Jean-Louis Etienne and navigators Eric Tabarly and Ellen McArthur took it in their adventures and the famous chef Paul Bocuse always kept it in his pocket.

Today, 130 years after the first design, the Opinel is still faithful to its legacy and really appreciated for its quality, ruggedness, style… and cheap price.

Find some variations of the Opinel on

Opinel wild
Opinel custom
Custom No8 by Chaperon
Opinel carbon product line

French knifemaking history


The history of French knife making is primarily the history of the people living in the different regions of France.

The very first knives were made of flint, the first metallic knives appeared around 3000BC and the first steel knives, along with the first folding knives, were made by the Romans.

During the medieval-age, knife making is developing mainly in some specialized cities like Thiers, Nogent or Nontron, where the ferrule, or ring lock (virole), to lock the knife’s blade, is invented towards the end of the 16th century. Each region has its own craftsmanship and traditions, leading to a wide variety of styles, still made today.

Vintage Laguiole
Vintage Issoire
Vintage Laguiole carbon

Raw materials to make the knives evolved over time, when a Capucin was only a carbon steel blade, a stag and 2 pins; wood, bone, brass and aluminum or even more noble materials are now common. The very first stainless steel knife appeared in 1921 in the United States and stainless is now widely used but carbon steel is still appreciated by real connoisseurs for being easier to sharpen, more traditional and developing a nice patina.

French knife
Vintage Pradel
Opinel pair
Thiers French knife

French knife making have been renowned since the 17th century, when the first knives were exported, through the ports of Bordeaux or Nantes, to Spain, Italy and even Asia.

Vintage Laguiole pigeon
French filework

The industry was at its height in the 19th Century when, for example, Thiers and its area was employing around 25,000 people in knife making. It went down to around 1,700 today.

The 19th Century was also the time of a wider market for pocket knives, that were not anymore only for farmers and workers, as every gentleman had his own knife, to use when going to eat outside. That is when knives became more detailed and luxurious and when more noble material appeared.

After a rough patch in the 1980’s, mainly due to the cheap knives coming from Asia, French knife making has now reborn and is more oriented towards high quality pieces.

Luxury Laguiole
Le Thiers bone
Laguiole Damascus

Each region has its own style of knife and numerous independent knife makers are creating a wide variety of forms and styles. French knife making is now recognized across the world for its quality, diversity and strong tradition. Some knife makers even export up to 70% of their production.

Arbalete French Knife
Aurillac knife
French navette
Traditional French knife Rouennais
Traditional French knife Roquefort
French camp knife
Basque traditional French Knife
Saint Martin traditional French knife
Corse knife
Issoire French knife
Traditional sheepfoot French
Ratchet lock knife
Yssingeaux Traditional French knife

Today Thiers, in the middle of the old volcanoes of Auvergne, is leading the French production with 80% of the production done by 60% of the knife makers. Then comes Aveyron, Dordogne, with the Nontron and of course Savoie with its famous Opinel.

Wood navette knife
Violon French knife
Damascus opinel

If you like slipjoints, tradition and fine craftmanship, there is a French knife for you!

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